Friday, January 30, 2009


Take a walk.

If the whole world were listening,

what would you say?

I don't know what I would say. At first I was quick to assume position of a leader figure in my head, pointing out all of the things they are doing wrong. But after thinking about it, I realize that isn't my place. Who I am to tell the world what they need to work on? Sure, sometimes it's beneficial to hear criticism but that's what the world hears every single day! Think about it-America. We have a lot to fix. But we already know this! Okay just look at this list. This is from today's CNN top stories:

Energy and economy, a balancing act for Obama
Economy shrinks 3.8%
Brown: Not the time for Wall Street bonuses
Exxon posts annual profit record
Haggard explains his sexual preference
Octuplets: mom has six other children
14 hospitalized in carbon monoxide leak
Obama girl look-alike model in spotlight
Can you eat well for under $10?
Pole dancer spice up school program
Disgraced pastor admits second relationship with man
How bacteria can help you lose weight
Stuff white people like

Okay. So what that translates to is this: Economy sucks, no one has any money; to save money, we are eating more and more fast food whose prices and dropping; because we are eating so much fast food, there is a "how to do the ____ diet" everywhere you look; we need to take care of what we own whether we have money or not; population is growing, despite it all; sexual immorality is no longer immoral; and we are still very black vs. white.

But, the world already knows all of this. It's in the headlines! They just need to do the math. No, we don't need another someone to tell us how cruddy we are living our lives. We need someone to tell us it's okay. Show us what we are doing right.

If the whole world were listening,
What would you say?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I strike quickly, being moved.

But thou art not quickly moved to strike.

((Romeo and Juliet, Act 1 Scene 1))

So is this how it should be? Is Sampson here in the right? Being that he is not easily angered, but when he is, he can do some damage? Or is Gregory right to mock him later, when saying Sampson would run away rather than fight? Should we be slow to anger, or never angry at all? I understand that anger is a sin, but what would it be like, if anger did not exist with the rest of the sins? Would we have an easier chance at following the Law? Do all of the sins bounce off of eachother? Would there murder if there was no anger? Stuff like that. What if there was a way to get rid of just one sin. Which one would be best to rid...

That's just what I'm pondering right now. Romeo and Juliet has been on repeat in my head for about a month! Arg.

Who are you, really?

Would you be able to sit down, right now, and write a book about yourself? What if someone was to be born 6 months from today, someone who would take your place; would you be able to write with enough truth, detail, and perspective that he or she could live the life that you did? That you are living right now?

I can't.
I can list things about myself. My likes, dislikes, hobbies...but I couldn't tell you who I am if my life depended on it. Who can? I mean, sure, go to a bookshelf and find autobiographies by the truck loads, but are any of them detailed enough to achieve the act of truly portraying who someone is?

I don't know what others think of me, not entirely and I don't think I want to know. I do know what I think of other people, and from a bystanders perspective, I could write a book about several of them. However, I wonder how much I would be missing. I'd venture to say any autobiography is missing at least 80% of what that person is all about. Why? Because we hide who we are. Whether we try to or not. On how many myspace pages can you find the words "I don't care what people think of me"? I don't know either, but there are over 13 million results on Google for that phrase. And I don't think there is a single person in this world who can say that in pure honesty.

If you don't care what others think, then why do you wear certain brands? Put on makeup? The car you drive, the music you listen to, the way you wear your hair, it's all been a-effected by your surroundings. I say 'a-effect' rather than 'effect' for two reasons: affect means to impress the mind or move the feelings of. effect means a mental or emotion impress produced. So it's both. Because that is exactly what everything around us does! Someone tells you they like your hair, you feel better about it. When someone puts you down, you feel 'put-down'. That's where the phrase came from kids. We are molded and shaped throughout our lifetimes, yes, but we are put through the fire on a daily basis.

So is it possible to write an instruction guide on how to be you? Maybe. But you have to write in it every single day until your dead.

Winning Hands, Winning hearts.

How to win this girls heart.

Be honest.
Know how to have fun.
Respect my morals.
Be able to handle serious conversations.
Enjoy road trips.
Be open minded.
Have patience with me. Know that I'm afraid of commitment.
A hug is just as good as a kiss sometimes.
Be cheesy sometimes.
Love or at least respect the arts; music, writing, painting...
Be okay with me, medically.
Be dorky.
Don't lean on me with everything; remember I'm only human.
Laugh a lot.
Do Not be clingy.
Like video games.
Hold my hand.
Diamonds are overrated.
Don't spend money on "dates". Just go and do stuff with me.
Listen to my rants.
Know that I am trying.
Don't fall in love with me.

How this girl will win your heart.

Listen when you talk.
I'll pay.
I leave you notes.
Admit that I'm wrong.
Distance means nothing to me.
I'll respect your morals.
I'm real, raw, and sincere.
Play your video games.
I won't try too hard.
Guitar and drums, baby.
Mostly independent.
I'll be your friend first.
Laid back and up for whatever.
I'll remind you of your inner child.
Completely goofy when needed.
I'm fun size.
I wear clothes; not strings.

Continuous About Me

1. I don't believe in love.
2. My favorite color is brown.
3. I will become something eventually. I hope.
4. I read to escape reality; it works so well, I forget to breathe sometimes.
5. I need to talk to God more. I need him, and I know it, but I feel helpless when I try to do something about it.
6. As much as I hate the carbon copied, sun exposed, teeth and hair bleached, get daddies money drama queens, there are days when I would love to walk in their overly priced shoes. To see what it feels like to actually feel and look beautiful to society.
7. I can't make decisions easily
8. I wear chucks because their comfortable; not because they are what's in.
9. I now own 8 pairs of jeans, all of which came from the Salvation Army or Goodwill.
10. I close my eyes in the car wash.
11. I play some guitar and drums.
12. I love working with metal and wire.
13. I wish I was out on my own already; own house, own bills, own life.
14. I'll paint the world someday.

Dear You, I have something to say.

Dear You,

1. That note I wrote, in reply to yours, do you ever wonder what would have happened if it said something else?
2. I saw something in you and lost it. But I'll be damned if I don't die searching.
3. You scare me. Your situation scares me. But I'm not sure if it was different my answer would be different.
4. I wish you would wear more clothes.
5. You completely baffle me. Leave me confused, intimidated, and incredibly intrigued. And you are absolutely oblivious.
6. What happened?
7. That time you almost killed me? That was my favorite. I miss those idiotic trips; our running away's and chasing things larger than us. Only you understand these silly little things. I think that's why I left.
8. I tell myself I miss you, but I know it's not true. I miss the you that will never exist again. If you came back, and sat right next to me, I would still miss you.
9.You hurt him, I'll break you. That's a fact. I'll still love you though. Maybe.
10. Accept me for who I am. My mistakes, accomplishments, failures, and awards are a package deal. You don't want one, you don't get any.
11. I wish we were meant to be best friends forever. But I don't think we are.
12. I would walk to you if I could. But you wouldn't do the same if I payed your way with a first class plain ticket. And yet, I would still go in a heartbeat.
13. I wish the best for you.
14. I wish you had faith. That is the one thing that stands between us. From the moment I saw you, I had those butterflies and I let them fly away because I know it just wouldn't work.
15. I really wish you would grow up. I'm sorry you made those decisions, but they are done. You've gotta get on with your life.
16. I think you're in love with me.
17. Thank you so incredibly much. I love you.
18. I wish something. But I'm not sure what.
19. You moved too fast when I didn't want to move at all.
20. I don't understand what we are.
21. Sometimes, I wonder if we should try again. But more times, I realize it would end the same.
22. I will never tell you that I think I like you.


Enter: Romeo, stage right.

O wait..that's not right because he doesn't exist!

It's getting harder and harder to hold on to hope that there will be the right guy out there someday. 50% of the world's teenage population are no longer virgins. 1 million of us are prego. Honestly now? I know it's hard, but it's not impossible. Does anyone save themselves for marriage anymore? This was an earlier note I posted: I don't understand it. At all.

Those stupid questions of "What eye color do you prefer in the opposite sex?" Or hair color, or build, or height, or freakin number of hair on their head! Does that really matter? How can anyone seriously have a true answer for that?! In reality, when you are answering those questions, you are describing some fictional being that you find attractive. Physically. Physically, physically, physically. Who cares?

Are you seriously going to meet someone someday who you feel absolutely right with, someone who you can talk to about anything, or just sit to and not talk at all; someone who you can run to, no matter what; who you may fight with, but it doesn't deeply alter your relationship...are you really going to kick that person to the curb just because his or her eye color wasn't blue? or green? or pink?

No. You're not.

Just in case you were wondering. Life is about way more than turning your dreams into reality. It's about living your life the way you should live it, doing things here and there, and eventually, stumbling upon the fact that you have been blessed with far more than you ever could have imagined.

Why do people, not just guys, but people not see that God as given us a lifelong opportunity to find the one he saved for us? We have time! Why are 11 and 12 year olds getting pregnant? Why should there be petitions for sex ed to be taught asap? We shouldn't have to.

But no.
Here we go.
Enter: Romeo, stage wrong!

Juliet too.

Good job world. Go us. Teamwork is great and all, but tone it down a little. Make sure your teammate won't bail on you. Make him put a ring on your finger first! Is it really that hard?

Sorry if it seems like I'm only bashing guys. I'm not. It's impossible to get a girl pregnant without the girl.

Save yourself for the one God has saved for you.