Friday, July 10, 2009

What do you want your life to be like ten years from now?

We've all heard this question before. Or at least something similar. I did some research (i.e. I Googled) and found that many answers to this question involve 5 topics.

Many of the answers I stumbled across say they wish to be married in ten years. Is this the case of more young people answering said question than old? Or is it the case of people already being divorced and wanting to re-marry? Granite some were already married and noted that by saying "with my spouse doing this or that". But over all, people want to be committed to someone.

It cracks me up when people are so specific. "I want 3 kids. Two boys, one girl. They all must have blue eyes and dark hair. And they better come out playing the piccolo!" Or what? You will sell your child? Nah. Be a little more opened minded here people. It's great to know whether or not you want kids, but at the same time, realize that it's going to be what God thinks will work for you.

Very similar to the age-old question "What do you want to be when you grow up?". They start asking you this in pre-school and they never stop. So, naturally, humans tend to think they must constantly be considering the options of what they could be doing.

How much do you want to lose? 10 pounds? 20 pounds? 42 pounds? Because it seems as if everybody and their step-brother want to lose something. What is it with this diet craze that acts like a bug zapper to people? "O my God! Fat-free fat cake! It's okay to eat, I'll take it!" Really now? Haha just have throw in a handful of self-control and a few dashes of motivation and you're good to go.

O don't we all 'need' more money? Or at least that's what is generally thought. We don't need more money, we want it. Plain and simple. Now don't get me wrong, I know there are people who need help financially, but I'm speaking for the general public who shops at the local store and purchases more than necessary. Basically, everyone I know, including myself. I don't think it's wrong to buy yourself a puzzle or another pair of sunglasses or whatever. But far too many of us, myself included, spends all our income on things we really don't need. When we could spend it on things that will last us that ten years. Or save it. That's a thought!

Now before anyone's pants get too tight please realize I'm not bagging on anyone. In fact, I started to answer this question myself today. I covered all of the above topics. My initial thought was as follows:

It would be nice to be married. I would love to have a family someday, so maybe there will be some kids in the picture. I will need a steady job of course, but I don't know what yet. Maybe a wedding planner. A teacher? I don't know. And I would love to be in a decent house. I don't need anything fancy, but something I can grow in. I will need money for that though...etc.

However, after a few minutes of sorting through various possibilites in my mind, I realized that it was useless. Sure all of my answers were general, therefore are pretty achievable, but I don't think I have evaluated my present life enough to even think about the distant future. Where am I at with the topics right now? Some of them sound easy to answer; Children-well let's see...I'm 19 years old, going to school, work 15 hours a week, single...NO WAY! But I can't just think about now, just like I can't solely think about ten years from now. It's about the whole picture.

Marriage- It's definitely a possability one day. Right now, no. But I'll work on figuring out who I am; keep growing in Christ. Do a lot of praying. Continue to meet new people. I have plenty of time. I don't need to set myself to a time-line.

Offspring-Well, that comes along with marriage for me. If I get married, then it will be taken into consideration. For now, I'll just continue to learn what I can. I love being with kids, so I know if I do become a mom, I won't be at a total loss.

Carreer-I'm going off to Muncie for my second year of college in 41 days. I have no clue what I want to do with my life, so I don't have a major picked. I will be a second year freshman. I get to start over and explore. I have time to decide that. Until I do, I will just experience as much as I can.

Health-I'm young and average. I am active and am on my feet often. I think I'm okay for now. If I feel the need to lose or gain weight, I will. But as long as I make the right decisions, I'm good. I am going to try and avoid the freshman 15 though.

Finances-Zero. That's my bank account right now. I actually decided yesterday I need to start over. I am not good with all. But looking at the facts-going to college in a month, having a semi-faulty car, etc. I realized I need to make some changes. I need to get today's money straight before I worry about tomorrows.

Those are just my thoughts. I don't really worry too much about ten years from now. I focus more on just getting there.

What do you want your life to be like ten years from now?

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