Sunday, January 31, 2010

A [future] Day in the Life of Me.

show and Tell
put labels on storage boxes and bags
sing with them
keep as organized as possible
make lists
play with their toys
face paint
finger paint
frame their drawings for the walls
hug them all the time
dance with them
let them help with dinner
go on family vacations
(even if it's only a weekend)
record quotes and favorite memories of them
keep hand sanitizer and fun soap around
start them early on picking up their toys
lead by example
get a dog
play outside
build a blanket fort in their room with them
sleep in it with them
have family game nights
have cinema nights at home
get a playful (declawed) cat
find a babysitter and have date nights with my husband
let them help with dishes
take them to the library often
write them notes for the future
go to the playground
go on walks with them and the dog
keep super soft blankets around
open windows in the summer
jump on the bed when daddy's not home
roller skate and bike ride
candid, fun pictures for holiday cards
take pictures of what they do wrong so you can laugh later
don't get mad if they don't smile nicely for the camera
scavenger hunts
chocolate chip pancakes
cute Halloween costumes
baseball games
go on hikes
go camping
fly a kite
random acts of kindness
paint and sculpt things; invite family friends over for an art show
have lots and lots of books
have a hammock
do yardwork together
go to the fire station
play dress up
design clothes for teddy bears
play with shaving cream spread on a table
sidewalk chalk
picnic in the backyard
picnic at the park
lemonade stand
cardboard plyhouse
do puzzles
go out and take pictures around the city
puppet theater
pbc pipes and marbles
paint flower pots
go thrift shopping
make felt people and objects for a felt board
color over things with crayons to see texture
decorate dollar store picture frames
chalkboard paint a wall
lots of floor-seating
huge aquarium
have a comfortable bed
most efficient washer and dryer